Monday, November 21, 2011

Paranormal Activity

My son, Joey & I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 over the weekend and I must say I was pleasantly surprised after the movie was over. For those of you out there who haven't seen any of the Paranormal Activity films yet they really are quite scary. Now I've heard they weren't all that scary but I can verify that they are. I like the way the films were presented, produced and I really like the way the last film, Part 3 ended. It's quite scary and shocking. These films do not follow the classic horror film template. By classic horror film template I mean the problem causing the horror isn't solved and gotten rid of by the end of the films. They're open ended much like a Japanese horror film. Much is left to the imagination which I find more satisfying, entertaining and scarier than a blood and guts type of horror film. I must confess that I'm not a big fan of the slice and dice type of horror film. Never was.
The Paranormal Activity films slowly build up the tension and by the end of the each film you're literally hanging on the edge of your seat waiting to see what will happen next.

The latest film, Part 3 is a prequel to the other 2, and the 1st 2 happen within the same time period. After seeing Part 3 I rented the first 2 from Blockbuster (the last 1 in my area) and maybe it's because I seen it the theatre but Part 3 has the scariest and most shocking ending of all of them.
For those of you who are only into renting films I think Part 2 is better than the 1st.

After seeing all 3 I'd call myself a fan of the series. Like I said I enjoyed the way the films were presented (very much like a reality show) and the way they ended. Part 2 kind of sets up another prequel and another sequel. Either way I'm interested to see the next one, if there is a next one...? I would highly recommend any of the 3 Paranormal Activity films to any horror movie fan. What I wouldn't recommend is that you watch any of them alone at night just before you go to bed...
Dedicated to my son, Joey