Friday, March 24, 2017

New paranormal experiences

Before I start, I must say that I have always been interested in ghosts' and haunting's ever since I read my first book on the subject while in grade school. I try to catch the reality based ghost hunting shows on TV when I can. I like to see the evidence that is caught and stay on top of all the new tech that is being used on the shows. I find the shows to be very interesting and informative. I have gone on one local ghost tour but I do not actively seek out or try to have paranormal experiences.

I recently started a new job in which I work all alone in buildings, usually at night. I always check all the entrance and exit doors on my way around the buildings to make sure they are locked and secure. The last thing I would ever want is to run into a intruder as I try to work. I have found that working alone helps me stay focused but the silence is a little unnerving at times. I always bring a radio in with me to break the silence.

I have had a few unexplained experiences in one particular building and a employee of the company told me that he has also 'heard things' while working alone in the building. Strange things have been happening so I thought I would document them on my blog.

The first weird thing that happened while I was emptying out a garbage can I paused a second to look at a letter that was sitting on top of a wooden table. Not even two feet away from that table stand a couple of brand new HON brand steel storage cabinets with doors that open vertically. There are two sets of HON cabinets on each side of the table where I was standing. As I was looking down at the letter, not leaning on or touching the table, the cabinet on my immediate left made a noise like someone had just shut one of the steel doors. The noise startled me and I immediately opened the cabinet to look inside, only boxes of undisturbed kuerig cups sit inside and these are brand new steel cabinets. There are no holes where a mouse can gain entry and there are no strong drafts of air in the building that can shut the door. I am required to dust the cabinets once a week and I have never heard any of the cabinets make that noise before and it has not happened since.

The second occurred as I was finishing up my work I had gone into the closet to put away some things for the night. The hallway leading to the closet is behind a closed door and I cannot hear the TIMEX clock radio I bring in after the door closes. After going back out the door I was interested in hearing the local basketball game because it was almost over and the score was close. As I continued walking I noticed that the volume of the radio was off. The radio was still on but the volume was completely off. I always leave the volume on until I am ready to leave the building. Even then I just unplug it without turning the power or the volume off. It was strange because, like I said, the radio was on and still plugged in but the volume was completely off.

The average person might not stay on the job but I do not feel like I am putting myself in harm's way or threatened when I work in the building's I clean. I feel that any strange happenings are a distraction on my way to finishing the job before I move on to the next building.

Please share any weird or strange experiences you may have had in the comment section below as I would be eager to read them. Thank you.

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